Afia Schwarzenegger Viciously Attacks IG User Who Commented On Her Wrinkled Old Bum

You would never want Afia Schwarzenegger to turn her ‘hot’ and sassy mouth on you unless you’re someone who is able to fight back with your own level of viciousness and ruthlessness.

The tv/radio presenter/alleged comedienne makes hay out of insulting others and thus that’s what her gargantuan mouth is mostly good for.

Well a lot of people did not like what they were seeing and one of them decided to attack Afia for showing her old bum to everyone.
“Wrinkled a$$$. Abrewa to paaaaa nie. Eih. This one dier more than @wendyshayofficial ohhh” one IG user known as K.debrah wrote.
Afia responded and as usual she did not hold back at all.
“@k.debrah my ass looks better than ur mums hungry project face and it certainly look better than ur destiny, good day” she responded.
This user is hardly the only one mocking Afia for her pic, with Kezia Gee, Afia’s ‘enemy’, also doing same in a post earlier today.

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