Sister Derby Dances With Unbridled Joy After Fella’s Sugar Daddy Had Her Cars Seized For Cheating On Him – Video

The happiest person in Ghana right now has been found and her name is Sister Derby.

Medikal’s jilted lover has found her happiness after the events of last night involving Fella Makafui’s cup finally getting full.
As we reported, the mysterious Alhaji who has been funding Fella’s lifestyle finally found out that his ‘baby’ was also down here in Ghana chopping Medikal down.
He initially suspected but ‘smart’ Fella told him that her dalliance with Medikal was only for a movie and not real.
However, he eventually learned the truth and sent his goons to take possession of the cars he’s bought for her.
Well, Derby can’t stop herself rejoicing over this misfortune falling on the girl who snatched her man.
She took to social media, uploaded a video in her own car obviously mocking Fella’s situation.

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