The Creation Of Western North Region And The "Yes" Mantra

The good people of Western North are waiting patiently to save the remarkable date which is going to give birth to the creation of Western North region. On the 27th Day of December my people are going to join the queue in this historic referendum and that very day is fast approaching. It has never been in doubt that, creation of a region is going to ensure that, development is extended to the people. It is on this undisputed truism that, Nana Akufo Addo during his campaign tour in the Western North promised the people of a separate region when he is voted into power in December 2016.
I am now convinced that, the necessary constitutional requirements have duly been fulfilled and the next process the people are waiting for is the voting day. This is going to be historic in the sense that, since we moved from the military Rule to constitutional Rule in 1992, this is going to be our first referendum to determine whether or not we are in support of our own demand. A demand which was written on a paper and was couched as a petition to the president "calling" for our own region.[ see article 5(2) of the constitution of the Republic of Ghana]. This demand gave the president the opportunity to constitute" JUSTICE BROBBEY COMMISSION OF ENQUIRY" under article 5(2)(c) of the 1992 constitution of the Republic of Ghana.
When the commission of enquiry came to listen to the people concerning their request for the creation of the Western North Region, they saw the need and the substantial demands for the creation under article 5(4) of the constitution of Ghana, they made a recommendation to the president in their report and that report was adopted by the president and his cabinet. The recommendation indeed points to the fact that, we merit the proposed region.
It appears the next constitutional process in waiting is the twenty-one day maturity of the legislative instrument which has been laid before parliament. The said maturity day is in pursuant to article 11(7) and section 75 of the standing orders of parliament.
We owe it a duty to approve our demand by coming out to vote in our numbers on the 27th Day of December,2018. I know alot of people are aggrieved and are threatening to vote against the region due to some obvious reasons. Let me make it clear that, the Justice Brobbey commission report never recommended the seizure of land(s) legally acquired in order to get vast land(s) for the region yet to be created. The unlawful seizure of land(s) cannot and should not be linked to the creation of Western North region. Those seizing the land(s) are doing so not because of the creation of the Region but rather to satisfy their own callousness, selfishness and greediness. The burning desire to amass wealth by turning people into a milking cow should not affect our quest to have our own region.
The good people of Western North though can boast of mineral resources like gold, bauxite, timber, cocoa, and the likes but it is the most deprived enclave in terms of portable drinking water, good roads and others. The creation of the Region would inure to the benefit of "today and the future generation."
#YES is what we need when the day finally comes#
Dawda Eric(Equity)
Citizen Vigilance for Justice
25th November,2018

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