What Happened To ‘Girl Power’? Fella Makafui In Perspective

It is for no sham that the old, coined the saying everything that has a beginning has an end. Fella Makafui and her ‘daddy’, Medikal, were in almost every news item last week but little or nothing is heard of the two today. The funny thing is that in all of these news articles their names popped up, Fella Makafui was either getting a kiss like a kindergarten child or being surprised with a car at ‘her’ wine shop.

The sad reality in all of this is that, should this Romeo and Juliet ‘love affair’ end one day, she will be all over social media begging for some needless attention, she will certainly not get from me. Anyway, her likely ‘future heartbreak’ is a topic for another.
The one question I have been asking myself in this trident ‘love’ drama between, Fella-Sister Derby-Medikal is what happened to ‘Girl Power’? Fella Makafui, a ‘supposed’ University of Ghana Business Administration student burst onto the movie scenes, about three years ago when she played the role of Serwaa in the popular youth drama series, ‘Yolo’.
Like many, I personally believe she played the role pretty well, and I would have given her a role in the GOT I shoot in one of my ‘beer’ induced dreams. I told myself anytime I watched her in the series that she was destined to do great things in the ‘dying’ Ghanaian movie industry.
However, it seems little is seen of her in movies now rather she performs better in controversies. The few movies I have watched of her aside Yolo, have very little to write home about. She has taken to slaying, controversies, and business now. She even describes herself as an entrepreneur who even organizes seminars for the youth, which is good anyway.
It is however painful to note that in all of the ‘many’ businesses she claims to own, the news has always been that a certain unknown ‘sugar daddy’ who has been drilling through her tundra bortos is the one who actually owns them.
Fella’s first wine shop, which was located at East Legon was allegedly shut down by her ‘sugar daddy’ because she was trying to play a fast one on him. A few weeks later, a new wine shop was opened at a different location and this time, the news was that she had gone to apologize to ‘sugar daddy’.
Fast forward, a viral video springs up on social media and in this video, Fella’sRange Rover and customized Sports Convertible car are being seized by a few guys who claimed they were sent by Fella’s ‘sugar daddy’. They alleged that her sugar daddy was angry because of the way she was allowing AMG business rapper, Medikal to play with the tundra.
Funny enough, her new boo, Medikal, just a day after sugar daddy’s boys seized the two cars presents a new car to Fella at her wine shop. She receives the old car which was presented to the world as a new car and decides to cry to express her shock. Fella also decides to share a picture of two cars later on her Instagram handle thanking ‘daddy’ Medikal for his love. 
As these things unfolded the one question I continually asked myself was, what happened to ‘girl power’? What happened to Ghanaian ladies telling the world that they can be independent and function without a man having to do everything for them?
Fella Makafui has on all these occasions simply showed the world that without a man, she cannot afford to live her extravagant life she is so desperate to live. She can’t afford to buy a ‘simple’ car to drive in with all her ‘many’ businesses she claims she owns. How is this in anyway different for what the likes of Moesha say they do. They are in the same business. I guess it is high time they are all told, ‘girl power’ matters.

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