An Introduction And Anatomy Of A False Ebola Article

There are many false articles about Ebola floating on the internet to mislead the public, especially Africans. In the mind of the developed world, Africans don't read, therefore, there is no way to find out the truth. They take their time to write false articles believing that will help to divert the mind of an African. Today, I have taken one from a famous and trusted Health Website in America for Africans to be very careful when they see such as articles. Below is the article entitled:
"Genetics Showed How Ebola Traveled In West Africa"
According to the World Health Organization, the number of Ebola outbreak victims in West Africa in 2013–2016 exceeded 11,000. Most of the deaths occurred in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. In December 2016, WHO reported that testing an experimental Ebola vaccine showed its high efficacy. I
An international group of 93 scientists from 16 countries presented the decoding and analysis of 1,610 viral genomes from patients' blood samples. This is about 5% of the total number of known cases.
The entire epidemic reached more than 28 thousand people. With the help of the collected genetic information, they were able to reconstruct the course of the epidemic, which is believed to have begun at the end of 2013 in Guinea with a boy who fell ill and died after playing under a tree where bats lived.
Scientists also figured out what factors contributed to or prevented the spread of the virus. In particular, they were interested in how the closure of borders in three countries in June – August 2014 affected the course of the epidemic, approximately six months after its expected start.
“Despite some weakening of the international spread of the disease after the closure of borders, by the time this was done, the cross-border transmission of the virus already sowed the seeds of the epidemic, which made these measures ineffective,” the scientists write in the article.
Of the 25 factors analyzed by scientists, the distance was the most significant: in half of the cases, the virus “traveled” less than 72 km in transmission and only 5% of cases - more than 232 km.
This, according to the authors, means that the international scale of the epidemic has provided a relatively small number of infections, the timely detection of which would help to stop it much faster.
In addition to distance, the size and density of the population was a significant factor, while the community of languages, the economic characteristics of the regions and the climate did not affect the speed of the epidemic.
Nearby countries like Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, Mali, and Cote d'Ivoire, according to the authors of the article, could also have suffered greatly from the epidemic, but they were “protected” by the relative remoteness of large cities from its sources: a virus that could actively spread in these countries, they simply did not get there, except for isolated cases that were quickly isolated.
The authors of the article emphasize that the 2013–2016 epidemic, which became a “costly lesson” in the national and international response to outbreaks of infectious diseases, should encourage scientists working in this area to actively share data even before the articles are published.
“The old model, in which you don’t show anyone the data on the decoding of genomes, until a scientific article comes out - which, as any scientist knows, can take months, is morally unacceptable if this data can influence decisions made during an epidemic,” said the co-author of the article, Githis Dudas, of the Fred Hutchinson American Cancer Research Center, whose words are quoted by the organization’s press office.
At the same time, the researcher noted that the example of another recent medical crisis caused by the spread of the Zika virus in 2015–2017 shows that for the time being it is rather difficult to convince scientists to exchange the results of unpublished studies more quickly.
In the developed world many think and have a strong belief that a black man or an African is a fool. Besides, they know that black people don't read, therefore, it's a perfect timely opportunity to write any nonsense about man-made diseases and the test of biological weapons to spread diseases on the continent of Africa.

Nobody is willing, to tell the truth about biological weapons against Africans or black people, with the intention to spread diseases and depopulate the continent, therefore such articles like the one above, will appear on the internet to change the minds of the intelligent Africans they called stupid.
In fact, there are thousands of such misleading and misinformation articles floating on the internet, and since the cowardly nature of African leaders have given a free license to the US government, the World Health Organization, and the Centers for Disease Control, Africa will always be a target after slavery, colonialism, Apartheid, Aids, and Ebola.
The bad seeds African leaders are planting now together with the US government, CDC, and WHO, will germinate but they are not going to reap the evil during the harvest. After they have died, our children in Ghana and the entire African continent are those that are going to suffer.
Thus, Africans, you don't need to depend on leaders who don't care about your welfare and health. If they do care, they will not be quiet over such a weight of Africa's destruction by the West and the United States government.
The best thing to do is to be alert and fight for your survival in this wicked world without pity and compassion, in the hands of trusted recognized health organizations and a government popularly known in saying "In God We Trust."
NB: The next article after this is: How Ebola Affects Africa's Economy And Investment

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