MUST READ: GES In Trouble As Graduate Teacher Compelled Them to Answer the following Questions


The method used in recruiting staff into the Ghana Education Service (GES) has become overwhelming with questions that needs to be addressed by GES. A lot of questions that do not find answers have sent many graduates to slavery and highly indebtedness.

GES has now become the bleeding ground for fraudsters to use in defrauding teachers into the service especially, graduate teachers. Though the College teachers are being fraud too in the name of where they will be posted since they are being posted direct after their service without applying like the graduate teachers do but my concern is on the graduate teachers.

You will hear a lot of graduate teachers telling their colleague graduate teachers who unfortunately were not posted that, they had posting because they had paid and you will wonder if you should pay to GES after applying before you can be posted. My question is, is GES aware of this development? The money some of these imposters take will shock you and you will ask yourself how someone who just graduated from school and done his/her national service with a little allowance for upkeep could get that money just to pay bribe. The least this people demand for is GH₵4,000.00 and as high as GH₵12,000.00 and it is very heartbreaking.

The worst part of it is that, some of these graduates paid this bribe but never get posted. With this, I can infer that, those who paid the money and were posted did actually paid to GES and those who paid but were not posted paid to fraudsters who used the advantage of the practice of GES to fraud them in the name of GES. The future of these graduates who paid this money and were disappointed is not something to ride home about. Some of them go to the extent of borrowing these moneys with the promise of paying back when they are posted and others to use their small savings which they could use to start a business on their own. They become highly indebted and some of them become slaves to their creditors. The result is frustration and depression. GES needs to do something about this. This practice of pay and be posted must stop. It is destroying a lot.

Now back to my heading……

On November 2, 2020, there was a press released with Ref. No: GES/DD-G/2/20/71 by GES on recruitment of graduate teachers. In this press release, the GES has requested applications from persons with degree to be recruited into the service.

The following were the criteria stated:

I.                   Must have a bachelor’s degree in Education

II.                Must have completed National Service

III.             Must have passed the Teacher Licensure Examination

IV.             Must be prepared to work wherever posted

Based on the requirement above, GES stated that, qualified candidates should complete the application form on and upload the relevant documents by November 30, 2020.

In this press release, GES further indicates that, priority will be given to high demand subjects, (eg: Early Childhood, French, Sciences, TVET etc) yet, some graduates who fall under these categories were used as a yard stick for the recruitment.

On the 6th of January, 2021, there was another press release with Ref. No: GES/HQ/DDG-MS/GR/21/01 on appointment of graduate teachers for the Ghana Education Service. In this release, graduates who have;

·         Bachelor’s degree in Education

·         Completed National Service

·         Passed the Teacher Licensure Examination

·         Applied for recruitment into the service

Were informed that the appointment letter for shortlisted applicants has been released and appointment letters can be accessed on at a fee of GH₵10.00.

Graduates who have applied to be recruited all over the Nation rushed to the website to check their posting upon released of this press only for some of them to come back with disappointment. The graduates who were disappointed most were the ones that fall within the stated subjects for the priority precisely, Early Childhood graduates. The question is, were they only used as a yard stick for the recruitment? Or were those subjects stated there for a camouflage? Or there is a provision for them? None of the Early Childhood graduates I know including my year mates were posted. If there is a provision for them, why not GES come clear on it so that these graduates will stop wasting their GH₵10.00 every day to go and be checking something that do not exist. Or is it an avenue for GES to make money? I don’t want to believe that.

I heard people saying that there will be a second batch of appointment that will be released, if this is true, why is GES not saying anything to confirm whether this is true or not. This graduates were disappointed on the appointments released after not getting theirs when they were told from the beginning that, their subjects will be given priority. Why should some people be used as a yard stick whiles the opposite is done?

The following are questions the writer want GES to address:

1.      What is the fate of Early Childhood Graduates?

2.      Is there going to be a second batch of posting?

3.      Which categories were posted?

4.      What is the total number of graduate posted?

5.      How is the selection done?

I believe that, The Ghana Education Service (GES) will address these question for the betterment of these graduates and to calm their anxiety if they know their fate in this recruitment and posting process.

Thank you.

Note: the expressions in this write up are my own opinion may not reflect the practice of GES.

Writer: Lordson Anyrator


Contact: +233542002298 / 0209787085

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