On this day Wednesday 25th July, 2018, I wish to extend a hand of congratulations to Teacher Trainees in all the Colleges of Education across the country. 
More especially to our brothers and sisters of the National Union of Tongu Students and Associates (NUTSA) and also Trainees of my Alma Mata Peki College of Education (GOVCO) who took their final exams today.

"Romans, 8:25 - But if we hope for that which we don't see, we wait for it with patience".

It's non arguable that the journey was never easy. It is not all who started with you right from day one made it this far. Some were sick, some died, some stopped with no reason, some were even sacked for failing a paper or two along the way. I say ayeekoo to you all who made it and I therefore welcome you to the Chalk &Talk fraternity.

"Hebrews, 6:10 - For God is not unrighteous, so as to forget your work and the labor of love which you showed toward his name, in that you served the saints, and still do serve them". 

In all things, patience is the right material to hold up MR. DZIDZINYO AKPEKE ROLEX CONGRATULATES TEACHER TRAINEESto. Be reminded to be of good conducts in carrying out your duties after your final postings. Once again, congratulations. 

Mr. Dzidzinyo Kobby Akpeke Rolex
Former Vice President, National Union of Tongu Students and Associates (NUTSA), GOVCO Chapter.
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