It is not what happens that determines the quality or quantity of life. It is what you do that makes the difference. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be not result. So I assure you as a Predecessor that, all the negative things that happened to you is what your life deserve or shape what your life will be. Learn from them, forget the situation and build your life for better tomorrow.

Do not ever judge your destiny by the location of your birth. You must be the change you want to see in the world. So do not lose hope, it is difficult though but you can make it, as the same way we also did.

Life is a journey, each passing day inches us closer to our tomorrow. A brighter tomorrow starts today. Whatever you do today will determine whatever you will become. So do not hesitate to put in more efforts to all the positive aims you have, all of them are achievable depending on the efforts you put in.

Your decision today, affects tomorrow’s outcome. You are what you are today based on how well you lived yesterday. Also what you will be tomorrow is based on how well you live today. How much we sow today, will determine how much we will reap tomorrow. On this honourable and memorial day of yours, I entreat you to continue sowing the good seed, for the good you will reap in no time.

You can have everything you want in life if you just help enough people get what they want in life. Do not look down on anyone, support everyone you meet on your way, for I know you will do it because they will be a blessing on your life tomorrow.

When you are focused on your destination, your history becomes irrelevant. Forgive those that treat you bad and let you go through severe pain and headache but rather wish them success and be focused. At the end, there shall be showers of blessing upon your life Brother.

The most precious thing in life are moments. Let’s make the most of them before they disappear. Let’s see the world while we still can. And cherish those while they still here.

Because when our lives are almost over, it wouldn't matter how much money we made, hours we worked, or times we had employee of the month.

But we will look back on the memories we made, the quality time we spend with those we love, whether; we were father of the month or a friend of a lifetime?

Let’s make time together creating memories that will last forever. My brother, make sure you create unforgettable memories with your colleagues, friends and families for their words of mouth shall be a blessings on any good turn of yours.

Whatever you are willing to give to, will give back to you. People become good at a things not because they have any special skills but for the fact that, they gave time to that particular thing.

The guitarist plays beautiful music because he/she gave time to the guitar and the guitar now gives back to him/her. It is now the same with keyboardist, preacher, dancer, athletes etc.

What you are ready to give, will surely give back to you. When you commit yourself to your vision, your vision will commit to you. Remember it is your vision and what it was given to you, not your critics. Commit to it and success will be at your beck and call.

Our time is limited, so do not waste it living someone else’s life. Do not be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Do not let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your inner voice.

And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Always go the length you have the strength. You are always remembered for how effective and efficient you make use of your time.

Whatever you put your mind to is achievable. The dreams you have, is your future calling. The question is, how are you responding to that call? All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.

Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs. If opportunity does not knock, build a door. Do not worry about failures, for they will come, worry about the chances you miss when do not even try.

The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered there is an opportunity for growth. You have started making didactic history already and may God grant you more strengths to build on it for the people coming after you to come and research on your footprint. On this special day, I wish and leave the above piece of words with MR. LARRY Y. AMOAH on his birthday as he chalked another merriment on his life today. He is one of the self-same respectful and obedient brother.

Happy Happy Birthday Brother Larry.

Writer: 0362196***
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