Press Release: Teachers Who Are Political Party Communicators Must Forbear With Immediate Effect - Kwaku Ahiaku

Do you know that, according to the Ghana Education Service's (GES) Code of Conduct (CoC), Pupil tutors are not allowed to partake in  an  active politics?

Based on a research I've conducted, I can categorically say that, eighty three point seven percent (83.7%) of political party Communicators Who normally go to media houses every morning to debate or discuss on an issues in the interest of his/her political party are teachers. 

The breakdown of the survey conducted

Twenty Four point five percent (24.5%) are basic school teachers, 

Forty one point eight percent (41.8) are Junior High teacher and

Seventeen point four (17.4) are Senior school tutors.

Now, looking at the above analysis, those particular teachers regularly roam from one media house to other, all in the name politics leaving his/her teaching profession behind as a part time job. And as we all know, most media houses closed their political shows segment around 10:00am meanwhile, the official time to report at work is latest  8:00am.

Someone may say maybe the teacher is a subject teacher, so here comes the questions; 

i. Are they subject teacher through out the week?

ii. What about those who teaches at the basic level (primary), are they also subject teachers or class teachers?

iii. Do they really teach what the syllabus asked them to teach when they come into class after their Party's work?

iv. Do they incite their Pupil with their political interest or not?

v. How often do they come to class?

What does the Ghana Education Service's (GES) Code of Conduct says

According to the Ghana Education Service code of conduct; 

PART 3; Sub-section 34.

i. Every teacher is entitled to his/her own political opinion and may, if qualified vote at elections.

ii. No teacher shall in the performance of his/her duties engage in any activities that are likely to involve him/her in political *controversy or lead to his/her taking improper advantage of his/her position* in the Ghana Education Service.

iii. Any teacher who is seeking public office through an election either on the ticket of a political party or as an independent candidate shall apply to the Director-General for a leave of absence without pay.

iv. An application for such a leave of absence without pay must be submitted in writing at least three (3) months prior to elections.

v. The case of by-elections fourteen days notice will be required.

But now what do we see or hear?  insults, uses of unpresentable words, some even end up of exchanging blows on air)
Are they going according to these rules? 

What are the Ghana Education Service doing about this? 

 I would like to use this opportunity to remind and appeal to the Ghana Education directors in the various districts, Municipals, metropolitans, regionals and to the entire board of directors of Ghana Education Service including the Minister in charge of Education to either review their code of conduct or act with an immediate effect.

Source: Odiasempa Kwaku Ahiaku

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