Breaking News: Unpaid National Identification Authority Field Staffs Calls On Banks and the General Public For Loan

A letter circulating on Social Media platforms sighted by Dekdllis Media shows that, Unpaid National Identification Authority Field Staffs Calls On Banks and the General Public For Loan.


   Dear Sir/Madam
We are  National Identification Authority (NIA) Field Staff who have been receiving our monthly wages through your bank since the start of the Mass Registration of Ghanaian Applicants for the ECOWAS Identity (Ghana) card.

At the end of September 2019, we received a double of our monthly salaries from our Employers (NIA) through the Bank of Ghana, which we withdrew to help meet some pressing needs.

We received various messages from the NIA, including some that warned us of either to refund the amounts we over withdrew or a forfeiture of our October salaries by NIA to defray the extra amount we withdrew when the double was paid in September ending.

Those who had money in their possession were able to do the refund but some of us did not have, and therefore had to rely on the second option of forfeiting our October salaries to settle the amount we over withdrew because it was an equal amount.

We were not paid our October salaries and we did not resist that decision as we knew it was in fulfilment of the warning by management of NIA to use it to settle the amount we over withdrew in September.
To our surprise, our employers (NIA) refused to pay us in November too, claiming the Bank of Ghana has instructed that we pay the amount we over withdrew in September before we can be paid our Two (2) months' arrears, and that we'll never be paid again if we fail to do so.
We were of the view that once the amount we over withdrew in September was an equal amount as our monthly salary, forfeiting our October salary to defray it should've been the best solution. 

However, all attempts to reach an agreement with management on this have proven futile; they remain resolute on the fact that we refund the One (1) month salary we over withdrew before they can pay us our Two (2) months' salary arrears.

This decision by our management has brought untold hardships upon us and our dependants. All our attempts to secure loans from our family and friends have not yielded any positive news for us. This has made us result to writing to Apply for loan from your banking institution to help pay the amount we withdrew in September and be paid our Two (2) months' arrears, and also continue to receive our salaries.

Since our employers have instructed that a reversal of the amount we over withdrew be done immediately we deposit the said amount in our account, we suggest the repayment of the loan and its accruing interest be done immediately our employer (NIA) pays us our arrears after they have reversed their money, which we think won't be more than a month. 

We are willing and ready to sign any undertaking from your office that will make us get the loans we need in order to solve our predicament. If action is expedited on this, we are very hopeful to receive our Two (2) months' arrears and salaries by the end of this month as assured by our employers (NIA).

We look forward to a warm response from your noble office.

Details of the signatories (those of us in this situation) and copies of the messages sent to us by our employers concerning the situation have been enclosed for your perusal.
Thank you.

Yours faithfully,


The Executive Secretary, NIA
The Head of Operations, NIA
The Accountant, NIA
Field Staff Leadership, NIA
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